Kushmanda Devi: The Goddess Who Illuminates the World with Her Smile

Kushmanda Devi image with mantra

Kushmanda, the fourth manifestation of Goddess Durga, derives her name from “Ku,” meaning a little, and “Usma,” meaning warmth or energy. Kushmanda Devi is a significant deity worshipped during Navratri, particularly on the fourth day. She is revered as the creator of the universe and symbolizes strength, prosperity, and good health.

The Story Of Kushmanda Devi

Here is the story of Maa Kushmanda:

The Radiant Creator

Kushmanda Devi, the fourth form of Goddess Durga, is a radiant and powerful deity in Hindu mythology. Her name, Kushmanda, signifies her role as the creator of the universe.

According to ancient texts, when the universe was shrouded in darkness and chaos, Kushmanda emerged from the cosmic void with a gentle smile that radiated warmth and light. It is said that she created the world by emanating a divine glow, filling the void with life and energy.

Symbolism and Iconography

Depicted as a goddess with eight arms, Kushmanda rides a lion, symbolizing courage and strength. Each of her arms holds various weapons and symbols of power, representing her ability to protect and nurture her devotees. She is often adorned with a bright smile, signifying her benevolence and the life-giving energy she imparts to all creation.

Kushmanday Devi Mantra

Residing in the Core of the Sun

In Hindu mythology, Kushmanda Devi is believed to reside at the core of the Sun, where she harnesses its energy and radiance. She is the source of light and vitality, providing sustenance to all living beings. Her presence in the Sun symbolizes her role as the life force that sustains the universe and illuminates the path of righteousness.

The Creation of the Universe

Legend has it that Kushmanda Devi created the universe by emanating a fraction of her warmth, dispelling darkness and bringing forth light and life.

Her creative energy is said to have given birth to the celestial bodies, the elements of nature, and all living beings. Through her divine smile and nurturing presence, she instilled harmony and balance in the cosmos, ensuring the continuity of creation.

Kushmanda Maa

Seeking Blessings of Kushmanda Devi

To seek the blessings of Kushmanda Devi, you can follow these steps:

  • Puja Vidhi: Start by invoking Lord Ganesha, seeking his blessings, and then proceed with the puja of Maa Kushmanda. This includes setting up a sacred space, offering prayers, and performing rituals according to the shubh muhurat or auspicious time.
  • Mantra: Recite the mantra
  • Bhog: Offer bhog or prasada to the goddess. Malpua made of pure ghee, halwa, and dishes made with ghee are considered auspicious offerings to Maa Kushmanda.
  • Meditation: Connect with the divine energy of Kushmanda Devi through meditation. Visualize her benevolent and powerful presence, and seek her blessings for spiritual growth, prosperity, and wisdom

Mantra for Worship

The puja mantras “ॐ देवी कूष्माण्डायै नमः॥” (Om Devi Kushmandayai Namah) or “Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu Kushmanda Rupena Samsthita” are chanted to invoke the blessings of Maa Kushmanda. These sacred mantra help devotees connect with the divine energy of the goddess, seeking her grace, protection, and abundance in life.

Kushmanda Mata


Kushmanda Devi is a revered, goddess who embodies the creative power of the universe. Through a deeper understanding of her story, individuals can connect with her divine energy and seek her blessings through puja rituals, adorn her with her favorite colored flowers, and chant her mantra with devotion.

This connection can lead to profound personal transformation, prosperity, and spiritual growth, as devotees tap into the life-giving energy of this powerful deity.

By honoring Kushmanda Devi, individuals can cultivate a deeper appreciation for the creative forces at work in the universe and experience the blessings of this radiant and benevolent goddess.

Shubh Navaratri - Devi Kushmanday


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