Discover the Richness of Ayam Cemani Eggs

ayam cemani eggs

When you think of a completely black chicken, you might also imagine it laying striking black eggs. However, the fascinating Ayam Cemani chicken has a beautiful surprise in store. Let’s unravel the mysteries surrounding this exotic breed and its unique eggs.

The Ayam Cemani chicken hails from Indonesia and is renowned for its remarkable trait: hyperpigmentation. This means that not only their feathers, but also their skin, comb, organs, bones, and even meat are completely black! This dramatic appearance earned them the nickname ‘the Goth chicken’.

This breed holds a special place not only for its aesthetic appeal but also for its cultural significance in Indonesian folklore and traditions.

What are Ayam Cemani Eggs?

Ayam Cemani eggs are as intriguing as the birds themselves. While the exterior of the eggs may appear similar to those of other chicken breeds, it’s the interior that sets them apart.

The eggs laid by Ayam Cemani hens boast a remarkable feature – their yolks are typically much darker in color compared to those of regular chicken eggs.

This darker hue is attributed to the genetics of the Ayam Cemani breed, which imbues the eggs with a distinctiveness that appeals to egg connoisseurs and culinary enthusiasts alike.

Ayam Cemani Eggs Color

three ayam cemani eggs

Considering the Ayam Cemani’s head-turning appearance, you would be forgiven for expecting their eggs to be black. But surprise! Ayam Cemani eggs boast a creamy, off-white shell. This unexpected color creates a beautiful contrast with the bird’s inky black feathers.

Why Aren’t Ayam Cemani Eggs Black?

The reason behind the Ayam Cemani’s unexpected egg color lies in their genes. The pigments that give eggshells their color are added quite late in the egg formation process. The Ayam Cemani’s hyperpigmentation doesn’t appear to affect this stage, hence the creamy white egg color.

Ayam Cemani chickens lay about 60 to 100 cream-colored eggs in their first year, with a typical laying cycle lasting for about 20 to 30 eggs before the hen stops laying for three to six months.

Hatching Ayam Cemani eggs can be challenging due to lower hatch rates compared to mixed breeds, but with careful incubation and handling, it is possible to successfully hatch Ayam Cemani chicks.

Benefits of Ayam Cemani eggs

Nutritional Superiority: Ayam Cemani eggs are not only visually striking but also nutritionally dense. Their darker yolks indicate higher levels of certain nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. These nutrients contribute to overall health and well-being, making Ayam Cemani eggs a valuable addition to the diet.

Rich Source of Protein: Like other chicken eggs, Ayam Cemani eggs are an excellent source of high-quality protein. Protein is essential for muscle repair and growth, as well as overall cellular function. Incorporating Ayam Cemani eggs into the diet provides a convenient and delicious way to meet daily protein requirements.

Enhanced Flavor Profile: The darker yolks of Ayam Cemani eggs impart a richer and more robust flavor compared to conventional chicken eggs. This enhanced flavor profile adds depth and complexity to dishes, making them more enjoyable and satisfying to consume.

Antioxidant Content: Antioxidants are compounds that help neutralize harmful free radicals in the body, thereby reducing the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and inflammation. Ayam Cemani eggs, with their darker yolks, are believed to contain higher levels of antioxidants such as lutein and zeaxanthin, which contribute to eye health and overall antioxidant status.

Culinary Versatility: Ayam Cemani eggs can be used in a variety of culinary applications, ranging from baking and cooking to frying and poaching. Their rich flavor and unique color make them a versatile ingredient that can elevate both sweet and savory dishes, adding depth and complexity to recipes.

Aesthetic Appeal: Beyond their nutritional benefits, Ayam Cemani eggs also offer aesthetic appeal. The darker yolks create visual interest in dishes, making them more visually appealing and enticing. Whether used as a garnish or a focal point, Ayam Cemani eggs add a touch of elegance and sophistication to culinary creations.

Cultural Significance: In addition to their culinary value, Ayam Cemani eggs hold cultural significance in Indonesia, where they are revered for their mystical qualities. Consuming Ayam Cemani eggs is not only a culinary experience but also a cultural tradition that connects people to their heritage and ancestral roots.

How to incorporate these eggs into your diet

To incorporate Ayam Cemani eggs into your diet, you can use them in various ways due to their unique characteristics. Despite the misconception that Ayam Cemani hens lay black eggs, their eggs are actually cream-colored with a pinkish tinge. 

Here are some ways to include Ayam Cemani eggs in your diet:

  1. Cooking: Ayam Cemani eggs can be used in cooking just like regular eggs. You can boil, fry, scramble, or poach them to enjoy their rich flavor and unique appearance.
  2. Baking: Ayam Cemani eggs can be used in baking recipes such as cakes, muffins, and cookies to add a special touch to your baked goods.
  3. Salads: Hard-boiled Ayam Cemani eggs can be sliced and added to salads for a protein boost and a visually appealing element.
  4. Deviled Eggs: Prepare deviled eggs using Ayam Cemani eggs for a unique twist on this classic dish.
  5. Egg Dishes: Incorporate Ayam Cemani eggs into omelets, frittatas, quiches, and other egg-based dishes to elevate the taste and presentation.

Ayam Cemani Life Span

ayam semani chicken
Ayam Cemani Chicken

The lifespan of Ayam Cemani chickens typically ranges from 5 to 8 years, depending on various factors such as genetics, diet, and overall health. With proper care and attention, some individuals may even surpass the 8-year mark.

Environmental conditions, including temperature, humidity, and living conditions, also play a role in determining the lifespan of Ayam Cemani chickens.

Regular veterinary care, proper nutrition, and access to clean water are essential for maintaining the health and longevity of these birds. Stressors such as overcrowding, predators, and disease can significantly impact the lifespan of Ayam Cemani chickens.

What does Ayam Cemani eat?

Ayam Cemani chickens are omnivores and require a balanced diet that includes a variety of foods. Their diet typically consists of:

  1. Greens: Spinach, kale, Swiss chard, and other leafy greens.
  2. Fruits and vegetables: Apples, carrots, tomatoes, and other fruits and vegetables.
  3. Grains: Wheat, oats, barley, and other grains.
  4. Protein: Meat (chicken, beef, pork), fish, eggs, and other protein sources.

In addition to a balanced diet, Ayam Cemani chickens also require access to clean water.

Ayam Cemani Eggs Price

The cost of Ayam Cemani eggs can vary depending on several factors such as the location, the reputation of the breeder, the quality of the breeding stock, and the demand for the eggs.

On average, Ayam Cemani eggs (Goth Chicken eggs) are significantly more expensive than regular chicken eggs due to their rarity and unique characteristics.

Prices can range from a few dollars per egg to upwards of $50 or more per egg, particularly for fertile hatching eggs from reputable breeders.

Additionally, the cost of shipping may also contribute to the overall price of Ayam Cemani eggs, especially if they need to be transported over long distances.

Overall, the price of Ayam Cemani eggs reflects their exclusivity and desirability among poultry enthusiasts and breeders.



The Ayam Cemani adds a touch of the extraordinary to the poultry world. Even more amazing is that their unexpected egg color adds to their intriguing allure. The Ayam Cemani chicken and its eggs remind us of the surprising wonders found in nature.

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