Superfood Badam Pisin (Gond Katira): More Than Just Almond Gum

badam pisin drink

Ever wonder if trees make their own candy? Well, kind of! Today’s adventure is all about Badam Pisin, also known as Almond Gum. It might sound strange, but this natural ingredient has been a secret weapon in kitchens and health practices for hundreds of years!

Get ready to explore what badam pisin is, how it might benefit you, and the yummy ways you can use it in your own cooking!

What Exactly is Badam Pisin

Imagine a tree that makes its own gummy candy! That’s kind of what badam pisin is. It’s a special sap, a sticky liquid, that comes from the almond tree.

This sap hardens into a white or yellowish, crystal-like substance. Completely natural, it doesn’t have any weird artificial colors or flavors.

Finding Your Badam Pisin

You won’t find badam pisin growing on trees in your backyard (unless you have an almond tree, that is!). It’s usually sold in health food stores or online. It typically comes in small packages as a dried, chunky substance.

Badam Pisin

Super Cool Uses of Badam Pisin

Here’s where things get exciting! Badam pisin isn’t just some strange tree candy. It has a bunch of cool uses, especially in Indian cuisine:

  • Delicious Treats: This ingredient is a secret weapon in many yummy Indian drinks and desserts. When soaked in water or milk, it becomes soft and jelly-like. This makes it perfect for adding texture and thickness to things like puddings, ice creams, and refreshing summer drinks like falooda.
  • Tummy Soother: Feeling a little under the weather? Badam pisin might help! Soaked in milk or juice, it can be soothing for your stomach, especially during hot summers.
  • Natural Beauty Booster: Believe it or not, badam pisin can even be good for your skin! Some people use it as a natural remedy for minor burns or to keep their skin cool and hydrated.
Badam Pisin Rose Milk

Badam Pisin Rose Milk Recipe

Badam Pisin Rose Milk is a delightful and cooling beverage that combines the goodness of badam pisin with the floral notes of rose syrup, making it a perfect drink for hot summer days.
Prep Time 10 minutes
Refrigeration time 2 hours
Course Drinks
Cuisine Global
Servings 2 people


  • 2 tbsp Badam Pisin
  • 3 cups Milk
  • 3 tbsp Rose Syrup
  • tbsp Sugar adjust to taste
  • ¾ tsp Cardamom Powder
  • Saffron Strands for garnish optional
  • Ice Cubes


  • Soak the badam pisin in water for about 4-6 hours until it swells up and becomes jelly-like.
  • In a blender, combine the soaked badam pisin, milk, rose syrup, sugar, and cardamom powder. Blend until smooth.
  • Strain the mixture to remove any lumps or residue.
  • Chill the rose milk in the refrigerator for about 1-2 hours.
  • Serve the rose milk over ice cubes, garnish with saffron strands if desired, and enjoy this refreshing and nutritious drink!

9 Powerful Benefits of Badam Pisin

On top of its cool uses, badam pisin might also have some health benefits. Here’s a closer look at 7 of them:

1. Improve Digestive and Gut Health

Badam Pisin helps enhance nutrient absorption in the body by forming a protective layer in the gut that reduces chances of nutrient loss and allows better assimilation of vital nutrients.

It aids in digestion, helps improve gut health, and also prevents stomach problems like bloating, gas, and reduces digestive discomfort.

2. Weight Management

Badam Pisin is rich in fiber and is known to promote satiety and reduce food cravings, helping you feel full for longer periods. As it is low in calories, Badam Pisin helps in weight management by reducing unnecessary cravings and overeating, and aids in the prevention of obesity

3. Promote Cardiovascular Health

Badam Pisin helps lower cholesterol levels and prevent various cardiovascular diseases. It contains soluble fiber that binds to cholesterol in the digestive system, preventing its absorption into the bloodstream.

Its composition includes bioactive elements that help in maintaining healthy blood pressure levels, promoting relaxation of blood vessels, and aiding in the management of hypertension.

4. Bone and Joint Fortification

Rich in essential minerals like calcium and phosphorus, Almond Gum strengthens bones and joints, promoting overall skeletal health.

Its anti-inflammatory properties can help alleviate joint discomfort and support bone density, potentially reducing the risk of conditions like osteoporosis.

5. Radiant Skin and Lustrous Hair

As a potent antioxidant, Badam Pisin protects the skin from oxidative damage, promoting a youthful glow and combating signs of aging. It also nourishes hair follicles, supporting healthy hair growth and enhancing overall skin health.

6. Cognitive Enhancement

Packed with antioxidants, Badam Pisin boosts brain health and cognitive function by combating oxidative stress. Its neuroprotective properties may enhance memory, cognitive abilities, and overall neurological well-being.

7. Respiratory Relief and Comfort

Badam Pisin offers a cooling effect that can provide relief from respiratory issues, soothing inflammation and easing throat discomfort.

Its expectorant properties help alleviate congestion and promote respiratory comfort, making it a natural choice for respiratory support.

8. Cooling Down Property

Badam Pisin is renowned for its natural cooling properties, which can help soothe the body, reduce heat-related discomfort, and provide a refreshing sensation, making it a valuable addition to beat the summer heat.

9. Energy Booster

Feeling a little sluggish? While a balanced diet is always best, some people say badam pisin can give you a little extra energy. Think of it like a tasty snack that helps you play and learn all day long!

gond katira in milk

Different Names for Badam Pisin

Did you know? Badam pisin has different names. Here are a few cool examples:

  • Indian Almond Gum: This is a common name used in many countries.
  • Goond Katira: This is a common name in Hindi, Punjabi and other North Indian languages.
  • Badam Pisin: This is used in Tamil and some other languages.
  • Gondh Resin: This is another name you might hear in some parts of India.

Yummy Recipes with Gond Katira

Ready to get creative in the kitchen? Here are some ideas for using badam pisin in delicious recipes:

  • Falooda Fun: This refreshing Indian drink is perfect for hot days. Soaked badam pisin adds a fun, jelly-like texture!
  • Phirni Power: Add some soaked badam pisin to this creamy rice pudding for extra texture and thickness.
  • Ice Cream Extravaganza: Who doesn’t love homemade ice cream? Badam pisin can add a cool, chewy texture to your favorite flavors.
  • Jigarthanda: Jigarthanda is a cold Indian beverage originating from Madurai. It’s known for its cooling effect (hence the name, translating to “cool heart”) and is traditionally made with milk, almond gum (badam pisin), sarsaparilla root syrup, sugar, and ice cream.

Soaking Up the Goodness: How to Use Badam Pisin

almond gum before and after soaking
  1. The Soak: Grab a small amount of badam pisin and put it in a bowl of water or milk. The amount you’ll need depends on the recipe. A good rule of thumb is to start with a little and add more if needed.
  2. Patience is a Virtue: Let the badam pisin soak for a few hours, or until it becomes soft and jelly-like. Imagine it’s taking a relaxing bath!
  3. Get Creative! Once it’s soft, you can add it to all sorts of things. Experiment with different recipes and drinks to find your favorites. Here are some extra tips:
    • Mash it Up: After soaking, you can mash the badam pisin with a fork to make it even smoother.
    • Sweet or Savory? Badam pisin can be used in both sweet and savory dishes. Try it in soups, stews, or even salads for a unique texture.
    • Start Small: New foods can sometimes cause tummy troubles. Try a little bit of badam pisin at first to see how your body reacts.
  4. Infused Water: You can add soaked Badam pisin to a variety of infused waters to increase their benefits.

Side Effects of Badam Pisin

For most people, badam pisin is safe to consume. However, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Digestive Issues: Excessive consumption of badam pisin may lead to digestive problems like bloating, gas, or diarrhea.
  • Allergic Reactions: Individuals with nut allergies should be cautious when consuming badam pisin, as it is derived from almonds and may trigger allergic reactions in sensitive individuals.
  • Interference with Medications: Badam pisin may interact with certain medications, so it’s advisable to consult a healthcare provider before consuming it, especially if you are on medication.


So, that’s the scoop on badam pisin! It’s a cool ingredient with lots of uses, right? If you’re feeling adventurous in the kitchen, give it a try! You might just discover your new favorite thing.

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